Welcome to Petartisans a website for lovers of Pet Art. Come look at the original artwork here and showcase your art as well.
"When I paint or draw an animal it has been said by others that I capture a glimpse the soul of the animal in their eyes."
Our animals bring us so much joy. I like to add to that joy by bringing a likeness of a pet to paper for you to admire.
For many animal lovers, having art that is of our about their pet is so important to them. The pet lover’s art. That is Petartisan.
Each artist will bring you their own creations, whether it is in oils, pastels, watercolour, bead work, glass work, ceramic, silver, gold, metals, fine gems, paper mache, clothing of all kinds, or even in book form.
We love our pets. Having creations inspired by artists that remind us of our pets now, or memories of them when they are no longer with us helps us all carry on.
Admiring and honouring a pet through art has been a pass time for centuries.
Dog Painting, A history of the dog in art, by William Secord, refers to 3 main kinds of painting, being activity or sport related, dog quality or show related and the more casual pet portrait, and that it has been an art for centuries. Also in his book, Dog painting 1840 to 1940 A Social History of the Dog in Art, he brings the reader information and examples of paintings of the dog from early Greek, Roman, European art to the modern times.
Dog: 500 Years of the Dog in Art, by Tamsin Pickeral tells her readers that artist have been creating paintings of dogs for over 5000 years.
Sculpture can be traced back to ancient times and the dog and cat are a common theme. In fact all forms of art related to the dog and cat have an interesting history that dates back many thousands of years.
We do love our pets.
Pet portraits from Krachelart
You can see my pet art on this site. I am happy to be the first on Petartisans to show my work for sale here as well as at www.krachelart.com
As we grow Petartisans will be bringing you pet art from many artists, in many mediums, including pottery, glass work, bead work, jewelry, photography, books and more.
Petartisans also provides and opportunity for artists to show and sell their work here.
to display or sell your work here Contact us at clephadij@shaw.ca or sales@bowwowwowmeow.com for information